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ASA Forest Show in Calgary">ASA Forest Show in Calgary

Leighton Centre Forest Show Invite

Leighton Cen­tre For­est Show Invite

The For­est Show art exhi­bi­tion that I’ve men­tioned pre­vi­ous­ly (here, here, and here) is mov­ing from Edmon­ton to Cal­gary after this week­end. So if you’re in Edmon­ton and haven’t checked it out yet—now’s your chance, and if you’re in Cal­gary, watch for the show at the Leighton Art Cen­tre from June 4 to July 9. There will be an open­ing recep­tion in the after­noon of June 11. I will actu­al­ly be out in the field doing song­bird sur­veys at that time, but I may be in the area and will try to make it if I can. There is a lot of great art on dis­play in this show, so def­i­nite­ly drop by and have a look if you get the chance.

Great Gray Owl hunting from thin aspen

A Great Grey Owl listens for rodents under the snow while hunting from a thin aspen sapling

Great grey owl hunt­ing from thin aspen sapling

The pho­tographs from my two pre­vi­ous posts were both tak­en while I was doing owl sur­veys and wait­ing for the sun to set (with cam­era at the ready, of course). So I thought I’d post an image of what we were out there look­ing for.

I don’t shoot a lot of wildlife, but I sim­ply could not resist fill­ing up a mem­o­ry card while watch­ing this owl hunt for rodents under the thick, spring snow. It was amaz­ing to watch him (or her, I’m not sure) lis­ten­ing from the tops of these small aspen trees before swoop­ing down and div­ing feet-first into the snow after his prey. I had the plea­sure of watch­ing from a dis­tance for over an hour before he final­ly gave up, or got full, and slow­ly moved off.

A folio print of this image is for sale for whatever price you think is fair. Enter amount: $

Early spring dogwood colour

The last light as the sun sets catches a patch of red-osier dogwood behind several thin bare aspen saplings already in the evening shadow

Glow­ing dog­wood behind bare aspen saplings

Anoth­er sun­set pho­to­graph tak­en while doing owl sur­veys, this one was tak­en on a clear evening which made for less inter­est­ing skies as the pre­vi­ous night but allowed for more pre­dictably pro­gress­ing, steady light on the ground.

This time of year, my eyes ache for colour after the long win­ter and the red-osier dog­wood shrubs are often the first real glimpses of spring colour as they flush red in the very ear­ly spring—even before the snow has melt­ed. In this image, I like how the intense red of the wil­lows in the last, warm rays of sun­light con­trast with the cool blues of the aspen saplings that are already in the evening’s shad­ow.

A folio print of this image is for sale for whatever price you think is fair. Enter amount: $

Fiery cirrus clouds at sunset

The days last sunlight illuminates high icy clouds behind a clean horizon of fresh snow

Fiery sun­set over snowy hori­zon

I’ve been out con­duct­ing noc­tur­nal owl sur­veys in south-cen­tral Alber­ta for the past few weeks, which has giv­en me the chance to take some great sun­set pho­tographs, and to try out pho­tograph­ing at night—lots of fun (but lots to learn too!)

This pho­to came after a whole day of cloud that final­ly broke at just the right time to allow the set­ting sun to peek through. If they coop­er­ate, a sky full of clouds sure makes for more inter­est­ing pho­tog­ra­phy than a “per­fect­ly” clear sky.

A folio print of this image is for sale for whatever price you think is fair. Enter amount: $

The Forest Show art exhibition in Edmonton

Poster for The Forest Show art exhibition in Edmonton

Just a quick note to men­tion that the “For­est Show” art exhi­bi­tion that I’ve men­tioned before is mov­ing to Edmon­ton, and will be on dis­play at the McMullen Gallery at the Uni­ver­si­ty Hos­pi­tal from March 19 to May 22. There will be an open­ing recep­tion on March 24th—I’ll be there, and would love to see you all there.

Birch trees in black and white

Three thin birch trees cling to the last leaves of fall

Three autumn birch

It’s been a long time since I’ve post­ed a new pho­to, and to be hon­est, it’s been a while since I’ve made any new images. I have been work­ing on re-pro­cess­ing some images into black and white, includ­ing this one here.

I love a great B&W pho­to­graph, and after lis­ten­ing to this pod­cast by LensWork edi­tor, Brooks Jensen, I’ve been inspired to fig­ure out for myself what it takes to make a great B&W image, rather than a pret­ty-good image. And, thanks to the flex­i­bil­i­ty afford­ed by cap­tur­ing and pro­cess­ing dig­i­tal­ly, I’ve been going through my image cat­a­logue and giv­ing it a try.

A folio print of this image is for sale for whatever price you think is fair. Enter amount: $

ASA Forest Show in Edson">ASA Forest Show in Edson

Forest Evite Edson

As I men­tioned in a pre­vi­ous post a pho­to­graph of mine is on dis­play as part of the “For­est Show” curat­ed by the Alber­ta Soci­ety of Artists. I just thought I’d write this quick note to men­tion that the exhi­bi­tion has just moved to the Edson Library (Feb 2–28), and lat­er this spring will be mov­ing to the McMullen Gallery in Edmon­ton (open­ing recep­tion on March 24, 7–9 pm), and the Leighton Gallery in Cal­gary (open­ing recep­tion June 4, 2–4 pm).