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Greyscale tones in a boreal lake

Reflections of clouds, a dark shoreline and ripples in the water combine to create a full range of tones on the surface of a small boreal lake

Grey­tones in bore­al lake

I took this pho­to­graph at one of the five lakes in Emer­son Lakes Provin­cial Park, north­west of Edson, Alberta—a great lit­tle place that was almost com­plete­ly desert­ed the week­end I was there. If you don’t mind a lit­tle bit of grav­el road, I would def­i­nite­ly rec­om­mend this spot for a qui­et bore­al retreat.

Although the mid­dle of the after­noon is not nor­mal­ly the best time of day for mak­ing pho­tographs of the land­scape, great pho­tographs are still out there—and (if you ask me) any pho­tog­ra­ph­er that tells you oth­er­wise isn’t look­ing hard enough. In this image, made at just past 4pm on a nice sun­ny day, I just love how the lake holds near­ly the full range of tones from the near­ly black shad­ows along the shore­line to the bright white reflec­tions of the high cir­rus clouds and the mid­tones of the shal­low lakebed itself—all mixed togeth­er by the slight breeze caus­ing the rip­ples on the water’s sur­face.

Add in a cou­ple Bonaparte’s Gulls, a pair of Belt­ed King­fish­ers, and a cho­rus of songbirds—and you’ve got your­self a pret­ty good spot to sit for a while, mak­ing pho­tographs as the clouds shift by (which is exact­ly what I did…)

A folio print of this image is for sale for whatever price you think is fair. Enter amount: $

Golden sunrise on boreal lake

The first golden yellow rays of sunrise light up the far shore of a small boreal lake closely surrounded by dense spruce forest

Gold­en sun­light on spruce shore­line

This pho­to­graph is from a gor­geous morn­ing that I spent in the Obed Lake Provin­cial Park in west­ern Alber­ta. This is not actu­al­ly Obed Lake itself, but one of the small­er lakes in the park. There were loons swim­ming around, spar­rows and war­blers singing, and it was too chilly still for the mos­qui­toes to be flying—perfect.

The yel­low colour in the image is actu­al­ly toned down a lit­tle from what it looked like straight out the camera—it was real­ly yel­low. (I guess that’s why they call dawn and dusk the “gold­en hour”.)

A folio print of this image is for sale for whatever price you think is fair. Enter amount: $

Spring rain over Devona Flats

A late evening spring rain falls onto the dry lakebed of Jasper Lake at Devona Flats in Jasper National Park

Spring storm over Devona Flats

I recent­ly had the chance to get away for a few days, and had the plea­sure of being able to do some pho­tog­ra­phy in Jasper Nation­al Park. The day that I took this pho­to­graph start­ed out clear and sun­ny, and as the day went along these large clouds spilled out of the Athabas­ca Riv­er Val­ley to the west, com­ing east towards Pocha­hon­tas where I was stay­ing. And while the clouds made it less appeal­ing to sit out on the deck in the after­noon, they sure made for much more dra­mat­ic pho­tographs lat­er in the evening—well worth the trade-off.

I real­ly like the con­trast in this image of the heavy, wet sky and the falling rain streak­ing down—contrasted with the dry riv­er flats still await­ing the melt of high­er ele­va­tion snow and the start of spring and sum­mer weath­er pat­terns.

A folio print of this image is for sale for whatever price you think is fair. Enter amount: $

Fiery cirrus clouds at sunset

The days last sunlight illuminates high icy clouds behind a clean horizon of fresh snow

Fiery sun­set over snowy hori­zon

I’ve been out con­duct­ing noc­tur­nal owl sur­veys in south-cen­tral Alber­ta for the past few weeks, which has giv­en me the chance to take some great sun­set pho­tographs, and to try out pho­tograph­ing at night—lots of fun (but lots to learn too!)

This pho­to came after a whole day of cloud that final­ly broke at just the right time to allow the set­ting sun to peek through. If they coop­er­ate, a sky full of clouds sure makes for more inter­est­ing pho­tog­ra­phy than a “per­fect­ly” clear sky.

A folio print of this image is for sale for whatever price you think is fair. Enter amount: $

Bright sun on Whirlpool Mountain

Whirlpool Mountain catches the bright morning sunlight on a cold clear winter day in Jasper National Park

Bright morn­ing light on Whirlpool Moun­tain

Here’s anoth­er pho­to­graph from my first pho­to-trip of the year in Jasper Nation­al Park. I made this image from along the Ice­fields Park­way, about 20 min­utes south of the town of Jasper. I’m not sure about the name of this peak, but my best guess is that it’s Whirlpool Moun­tain, just south of Mount Edith Cavell and north of Mount Geral­dine (if any­body can confirm/correct this, please leave me a com­ment).

The deep blue of the sky is due most­ly to the use of a polar­iz­ing fil­ter which real­ly brought out the con­trast between the sky, the shad­ows on the moun­tain, and the bright snow-cov­ered faces.

A folio print of this image is for sale for whatever price you think is fair. Enter amount: $

ASA Forest Show in Hinton">ASA Forest Show in Hinton

The Forest Show

I am real­ly excit­ed that one of the pho­tographs from my “Tal­bot Burn” port­fo­lio has been cho­sen to be a part of the “For­est Show” curat­ed by the Alber­ta Soci­ety of Artists. The exhi­bi­tion is cur­rent­ly mount­ed in the Hin­ton Pub­lic Library (Jan 5–31), and will be mov­ing to the Edson Library (Feb 2–28), the McMullen Gallery in Edmon­ton (open­ing recep­tion on March 24, 7–9 pm), and the Leighton Gallery in Cal­gary (open­ing recep­tion June 4, 2–4 pm). My piece was also select­ed to be one of just a few pieces that will be in a trav­el­ling exhi­bi­tion show­ing through­out Alber­ta until 2013. I hope that you can make it to one of these venues, but if not, you can have look at the image in my “Tal­bot Burn” port­fo­lio (it’s the third image, enti­tled “Tal­bot Fire Val­ley”), or sim­ply click below to view the image full screen.

Fire-blackened spruce tree stems stand in a valley laid bare by forest fire in 2003 in Jasper National Park

Tal­bot fire val­ley

ASA Forest Show in Hinton", posted Jan 14, 2011"> A folio print of this image is for sale for whatever price you think is fair. Enter amount: $

Boreal colours at their autumn finest

Aspen, birch, reeds and grasses all glow golden in evening light along the shore of Oliver Lake at the Ministik Lake Game Bird Sanctuary

Gold­en autumn aspen shore­line

If you’re in the Edmon­ton area, and haven’t been out enjoy­ing (and pho­tograph­ing) the fall colours this week, I have one word for you—go! I’ll let this pho­to­graph speak the thou­sand words’ encour­age­ment.

I’ve been explor­ing the south-west cor­ner of Min­is­tik Lake Sanc­tu­ary, fol­low­ing game trails along the shore of Oliv­er Lake and com­ing across views like this one. This is one of my favourite autumn combinations—yellow aspen & birch, bright dried grass­es, all against a blue sky reflect­ed in a still lake, and with just a few dark spruce thrown in for accent. Gor­geous.

A folio print of this image is for sale for whatever price you think is fair. Enter amount: $