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Art From the Unknown exhibition hosted by Rachel Notley

I will be exhibit­ing prints of my pho­tographs at a week­end-long gallery exhi­bi­tion host­ed by Edmon­ton-Strath­cona MLA, NDP Rachel Not­ley. This should be a great show, with approx­i­mate­ly 30 artists show­ing their work. The gallery will be open the week­end of Octo­ber 22–24, with an open­ing recep­tion from 6 pm to 10 pm on Fri­day night (10 am to 8 pm Sat­ur­day, and 12 pm to 4 pm Sun­day). The event will be tak­ing place at the Old Strath­cona Cen­tre for the Per­form­ing Arts at 8426 Gate­way Blvd. More info at Rachel Notley’s web­site.

I will be attend­ing the open­ing recep­tion, and will prob­a­bly be there Sat­ur­day morn­ing & after­noon as well. It would be great to see you there!

AGA">Edward Burtynsky exhibition at AGA

Burtynsky OIL Cover

Bur­tyn­sky OIL Cov­er

Sev­er­al years ago, the Art Gallery of Alber­ta here in Edmon­ton pre­sent­ed an exhi­bi­tion of Edward Burtynsky’s “Man­u­fac­tured Land­scapes” work, and I was com­plete­ly blown away by the beau­ty of Burtynsky’s large-scale pho­tographs of indus­tri­al land­scapes (mines, rail­cuts, quar­ries, recy­cling yards, etc.). Next week a new show of Burtynsky’s work will open at AGA, enti­tled “EDWARD BURTYNSKY: OIL” and will be show­ing until the 2nd of Jan­u­ary.

I high­ly, high­ly rec­om­mend that you vis­it the gallery while this show is up, and if you haven’t seen it already, the new AGA build­ing itself is worth the vis­it. Click here for a link to the AGA page, with more details about addi­tion­al pro­gram­ming relat­ed to the exhi­bi­tion. (Unfor­tu­nate­ly, Burtynsky’s open­ing lec­ture is sold out—if you have a spare tick­et I’d love to hear from you…).

Kaleido Arts Festival Gallery Exhibition

I’ll be dis­play­ing (and per­haps sell­ing) sev­er­al of my pho­tographs at the Kalei­do Arts Fes­ti­val the week­end of Sep­tem­ber 9, 10 & 11. There is an open­ing gala on Fri­day night with many of the artists in atten­dance (includ­ing myself). Hope to see you all there!

From the Kalei­do Fes­ti­val home page (http://artsontheave.org/festivals/kaleido-festival-2010/whats-on/friday-schedule/):

View works of art for sale from over 50 visu­al artists in a mul­ti­tude of medi­ums and styles. The art gallery locat­ed with­in the Old Cycle Build­ing opens at 6 pm with a beer, wine and cheese recep­tion, catered by Cre­ative Qual­i­ty Cater­ing and Bistro and live per­for­mance by Edmonton’s very own Lionel Rault. Find the per­fect hand­made gift or paint­ing at the Arti­san Vil­lage locat­ed on 118th Avenue, as the par­ty spills into the street with the Fri­day night Blues Par­ty fea­tur­ing Dr. Blu and the Kevin Cook Band.”

Mushrooms at Ministik

I took a great walk through Min­is­tik Lake Game Bird Sanc­tu­ary yes­ter­day afternoon—always one of my favourite places to pho­to­graph (click here to see why). The weath­er we’ve had this year has been just right for grow­ing mush­rooms (warm days, lots of after­noon show­ers), and there was a fan­tas­tic selec­tion of beau­ti­ful species on show. I’ll not write too much, just post a bunch of pho­tos to inspire those of you who—like myself—have both pho­to­graph­ic and myco­log­i­cal ten­den­cies, to go out and find some fun­gi.

P.S. My mush­room ID skills are not ter­ri­ble, but do not take my word that these are what I say they are. Instead, I’d rec­om­mend tak­ing the word of Helene M.E. Schalk­wijk-Barend­sen in her gor­geous book Mush­rooms of North­west North Amer­i­ca by local Edmon­ton pub­lish­ing com­pa­ny, Lone Pine.

And, on that note, if you think I’ve got­ten the ID wrong on any of these or you can be more spe­cif­ic (latin names would be great!) I would real­ly appre­ci­ate a note left in the com­ments.

Small boreal waterfall (video)

I’ve recent­ly upgrad­ed my com­put­er to a new­er machine capa­ble of pro­cess­ing the beau­ti­ful high-def­i­n­i­tion video files that my 5DmkII can pro­duce. It’s a lot of fun to learn about the whole new world of video cap­ture and edit­ing, and I’m just start­ing to get a bit of a han­dle on things.

One thing I’ve been doing recent­ly as a first step into work­ing with video is to make a pho­to­graph and a video of the same sub­ject. These are basi­cal­ly still pho­tographs, with motion. What I like about mak­ing shots like these is that some­times, the motion in a scene is an impor­tant part of the “essence” of the scene, and now I have a way to try to cap­ture that too.

In this exam­ple (com­pare the video in this post with the still pho­to­graph in yes­ter­days post), I used a long-ish expo­sure for the still image (1/2 a sec­ond) to hint at the move­ment of the water, but I also cap­tured this short video clip. I tried (some­what suc­cess­ful­ly) adding a vignette effect to match the pro­cess­ing of the pho­to­graph. What do you think? Is there some­thing addi­tion­al in the video that’s miss­ing in the still pho­to? or does the video just add com­plex­i­ty to the image with­out adding to the “essence”? In any case, it’s fun to exper­i­ment with, and that’s the whole point. I hope you enjoy it.

Visual Arts Alberta Open Photo 2010 juried exhibition

VAAA Open Photo 2010

A quick post to let you know about an event com­ing up next week where one of my pho­tos will be exhib­it­ed. The Visu­al Artists of Alber­ta Asso­ci­a­tion is host­ing a juried art show at the Kaasa Gallery at the Jubilee Audi­to­ri­um (11455 — 87 ave) from August 12 to Sep­tem­ber 23. The open­ing recep­tion will be in the evening of August 12, from 6:00 to 8:00 pm.

For those of you on Face­book, their is an event page at http://www.facebook.com/#!/event.php?eid=143761485649105.

For those (like myself) who aren’t yet there, here is the VAAA’s descrip­tion of the event:

Visu­al Arts Alber­ta is pleased to present the third annu­al pho­tog­ra­phy com­pe­ti­tion & exhi­bi­tion, Open Pho­to 2010, exhibit­ing some of Alberta’s finest pho­tog­ra­phers.

Visu­al Arts Alber­ta received an over­whelm­ing­ly pos­i­tive response to this open call to Alber­ta pho­tog­ra­phers. Over 300 pho­tographs were sub­mit­ted to our jury for con­sid­er­a­tion. Six­ty two pieces were cho­sen, and Visu­al Arts Alber­ta is pleased to present to you the jury’s select­ed work.

Guest Juror Thomas Willock will choose the best over-all pho­tog­ra­ph­er as well as hon­or­able men­tions in the evening of the open­ing recep­tion.

Awards will be announced at the open­ing recep­tion at the Jubilee Audi­to­ri­um in Edmon­ton.

All are wel­come / Artists will be in atten­dance

I, and many of the oth­er artists, will be in atten­dance for the evening and would love to see you all there.

Photography sale to benefit Haiti relief

Sor­ry again for the (very) late notice–my inter­net con­nec­tion at home has been on the fritz for a cou­ple days, but revived itself just in time.

Just a quick note to let you know that I’ll be tak­ing part in an art and craft sale tomor­row (the 9th of April) at the McQueen Com­mu­ni­ty Hall. A por­tion of the pro­ceeds from all the ven­dors will be donat­ed to sup­port relief and devel­op­ment work in Haiti. The event runs from 2pm to 9pm, although I will like­ly not be set up until a lit­tle lat­er in the after­noon. McQueen Hall is locat­ed at: 10825 McQueen Rd.

I’ll be sell­ing a selec­tion of pho­to­graph­ic prints and cards and am always hap­py to take cus­tom orders (pro­ceeds from any cus­tom orders placed dur­ing the sale will also be donat­ed). I would love to see you all there–it should be a great way to sup­port local artists and crafters, while also ben­e­fit­ing a good cause.