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Photography show at ‘The Works’ 2011 festival

A forest of transmission towers and poles holding up a tangle of high voltage power lines near the Strathcona Refineries in Edmonton, Alberta are shrouded by the dense smoke from forest fires in BC in the late summer of 2010.

Strath­cona Refiner­ies #307, August 2010

I am very excit­ed to let you all know that I will have a solo show of my pho­tog­ra­phy at this year’s The Works Art & Design Fes­ti­val here in Edmon­ton. If you’re not from Edmon­ton, The Works is a large fes­ti­val that runs for a cou­ple of weeks in the sum­mer, with artists from all over the world dis­play­ing their work in var­i­ous down­town venues. My show will be dis­played at City Hall from the start of the fes­ti­val on June 23 through to July 5 and there will be a recep­tion for my show from 2–3pm on Sat­ur­day the 2nd of July.

As for the work itself, it is much dif­fer­ent in con­tent than my usu­al land­scape and nature pho­tog­ra­phy, but I think that my per­son­al pho­to­graph­ic style still shows through quite a bit. The exhi­bi­tion will be twen­ty large prints of images I made last August when smoke from large for­est fires in BC shroud­ed the refiner­ies just east of Edmon­ton (and every­thing else in cen­tral Alber­ta) in a dense, orange haze. I wrote an entry about it at the time (click here), but haven’t shared any of these images since then. I am busy set­ting up a new web­site for this col­lec­tion (it just doesn’t fit on this site), and I’ll post here once it’s up.

*UPDATE* The new web­site is now live! I invite you to have a look at www.strathcona-refineries.com.

*UPDATE* The exhi­bi­tion is now up! Thanks to the whole Works crew that did such a great job—it looks ter­rif­ic. While The Works Fes­ti­val isn’t “on” yet, if you’re down­town you can drop by City Hall and have a look at the prints on dis­play. I would real­ly appre­ci­ate hear­ing your reac­tions and comments—either here (by leav­ing a reply below), by con­tact­ing me per­son­al­ly, or in per­son at the show recep­tion on July 2nd.

*UPDATE* You can read a short inter­view that I did with Steve Wald­ner of The Works Fes­ti­val about the show at http://theworksfest.wordpress.com/2011/06/16/strathcona-refineries-august-2010/

A folio print of this image is for sale for whatever price you think is fair. Enter amount: $

ASA Forest Show in Calgary">ASA Forest Show in Calgary

Leighton Centre Forest Show Invite

Leighton Cen­tre For­est Show Invite

The For­est Show art exhi­bi­tion that I’ve men­tioned pre­vi­ous­ly (here, here, and here) is mov­ing from Edmon­ton to Cal­gary after this week­end. So if you’re in Edmon­ton and haven’t checked it out yet—now’s your chance, and if you’re in Cal­gary, watch for the show at the Leighton Art Cen­tre from June 4 to July 9. There will be an open­ing recep­tion in the after­noon of June 11. I will actu­al­ly be out in the field doing song­bird sur­veys at that time, but I may be in the area and will try to make it if I can. There is a lot of great art on dis­play in this show, so def­i­nite­ly drop by and have a look if you get the chance.

The Forest Show art exhibition in Edmonton

Poster for The Forest Show art exhibition in Edmonton

Just a quick note to men­tion that the “For­est Show” art exhi­bi­tion that I’ve men­tioned before is mov­ing to Edmon­ton, and will be on dis­play at the McMullen Gallery at the Uni­ver­si­ty Hos­pi­tal from March 19 to May 22. There will be an open­ing recep­tion on March 24th—I’ll be there, and would love to see you all there.

ASA Forest Show in Edson">ASA Forest Show in Edson

Forest Evite Edson

As I men­tioned in a pre­vi­ous post a pho­to­graph of mine is on dis­play as part of the “For­est Show” curat­ed by the Alber­ta Soci­ety of Artists. I just thought I’d write this quick note to men­tion that the exhi­bi­tion has just moved to the Edson Library (Feb 2–28), and lat­er this spring will be mov­ing to the McMullen Gallery in Edmon­ton (open­ing recep­tion on March 24, 7–9 pm), and the Leighton Gallery in Cal­gary (open­ing recep­tion June 4, 2–4 pm).

ASA Forest Show in Hinton">ASA Forest Show in Hinton

The Forest Show

I am real­ly excit­ed that one of the pho­tographs from my “Tal­bot Burn” port­fo­lio has been cho­sen to be a part of the “For­est Show” curat­ed by the Alber­ta Soci­ety of Artists. The exhi­bi­tion is cur­rent­ly mount­ed in the Hin­ton Pub­lic Library (Jan 5–31), and will be mov­ing to the Edson Library (Feb 2–28), the McMullen Gallery in Edmon­ton (open­ing recep­tion on March 24, 7–9 pm), and the Leighton Gallery in Cal­gary (open­ing recep­tion June 4, 2–4 pm). My piece was also select­ed to be one of just a few pieces that will be in a trav­el­ling exhi­bi­tion show­ing through­out Alber­ta until 2013. I hope that you can make it to one of these venues, but if not, you can have look at the image in my “Tal­bot Burn” port­fo­lio (it’s the third image, enti­tled “Tal­bot Fire Val­ley”), or sim­ply click below to view the image full screen.

Fire-blackened spruce tree stems stand in a valley laid bare by forest fire in 2003 in Jasper National Park

Tal­bot fire val­ley

ASA Forest Show in Hinton", posted Jan 14, 2011"> A folio print of this image is for sale for whatever price you think is fair. Enter amount: $

Winter Festival Art Market 2011

Deep Freeze Byzantine Winter Festival

Sor­ry for the short notice, I just found out that I’ll have a table at the “Deep Freeze” Arti­san Mar­ket this com­ing week­end. I’m print­ing off a bunch of new, all-win­ter, prints and I’ll have a selec­tion of blank, win­ter-y cards as well. I’ll be there (Old Cycle Build­ing at 9141–118 Ave) from 12–6 pm on both Sat­ur­day and Sun­day (the 8th & 9th). I always appre­ci­ate hav­ing a famil­iar face drop by—Keep warm!

King’s Guild Christmas Gift Sale 2010

I had a good time at the Gold Bar Art & Craft sale last week­end, and this com­ing Sat­ur­day (Novem­ber 27th) I’ll have a table at the “Christ­mas Gift Sale” at the King’s Uni­ver­si­ty Col­lege (9125 — 50th street). I’ll be show­ing (and hope­ful­ly sell­ing) a selec­tion of prints and sea­son­al cards. The event runs from 10am-4pm, and there’ll be over 70 ven­dors. As always, it’s great to see a famil­iar face at these events—so if you’re in the area please drop by.