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Wintery details

Frost and snow cover a dense tangle of thin branches near Edmonton, Alberta

Tan­gle of win­ter branch­es II

Here’s anoth­er detail-ori­ent­ed image tak­en dur­ing our recent spell of grey, over­cast win­ter days. As I men­tioned in a pre­vi­ous post, when the light is dif­fused so even­ly by the low, bright stra­tus clouds that are com­mon over cen­tral Alber­ta in the win­ter (espe­cial­ly the past few weeks), it’s often these close-up, detail ori­ent­ed com­po­si­tions that I find work best.

I don’t com­mon­ly con­vert images to black and white, and even less often do I process them quite as heav­i­ly as I have here. While the con­trast was fair­ly strong to begin with, I’ve “crushed” the darks all the way down, and bumped the back­ground sky all the way up, to real­ly empha­size the some­what abstract pat­tern of the tan­gled branch­es, accen­tu­at­ed by the lin­ing of snow and frost. Per­haps I’ll also post the orig­i­nal ver­sion as well, and I would love to hear your com­ments as to which you pre­fer.

A folio print of this image is for sale for whatever price you think is fair. Enter amount: $

Flat light and high-key greys

Fresh snow covers the forest on a cloudy winter day

Min­is­tik shore­line in white

To con­tin­ue the line of thought from my last entry, anoth­er type of com­po­si­tion that I find can work on grey, over­cast win­ter days when the light is per­fect­ly flat and even is a “high-key” image like this one. If there’s fresh snow, the whole land­scape can turn the same colour–light grey. I find the trick is to ensure that my expo­sure is bumped up a lit­tle bit to turn the greys to white, and to find a lit­tle bit of con­trast (spruce are great for this) for visu­al inter­est. These very sub­tle, almost monot­o­ne, images real­ly cap­ture the feel­ing of these most-sub­tle of win­ter days.

A folio print of this image is for sale for whatever price you think is fair. Enter amount: $

Winter stratus

Frost covers birch catkins at Ministik Lake Sanctuary near Edmonton, Alberta

Branch­es and catkins against a flat win­ter sky

In cen­tral Alber­ta the cold snap is over, and a pro­longed case of the “win­ter-stra­tus” has set in—stratus clouds, that is. These are low, fea­ture­less clouds and in win­ter, when there isn’t much mois­ture, they are gen­er­al­ly light grey to near­ly white. Some­times, like yes­ter­day after­noon, they’ll lift a lit­tle to where you might call them alto­stra­tus, and you’re more like­ly to catch a lit­tle break for the sun to peak through. These are prob­a­bly the most com­mon clouds (stra­tus and alto­stra­tus) over Edmon­ton dur­ing the win­ter when there’s not enough solar ener­gy to build a decent cumu­lus cloud. (I think I may be let­ting the cloud-watch­er nerd in me show a lit­tle here).

Pho­to­graph­i­cal­ly speak­ing, stra­tus clouds make the light per­fect­ly flat and even, which can be both a curse and a bless­ing. Gen­er­al­ly, the con­trast of side light and shad­ows makes for more dra­mat­ic images than the flat light under a stra­tus ceil­ing, but I find that some­times detail-ori­ent­ed com­po­si­tions ben­e­fit from the “huge soft­box in the sky” effect. I enjoy the chal­lenge of find­ing these pho­tographs on days that would nor­mal­ly be con­sid­ered pho­to­graph­ic busts.

A folio print of this image is for sale for whatever price you think is fair. Enter amount: $

Grouse tracks

Fresh Ruffed Grouse footprints in deep snow at Ministik Lake Game Bird Sanctuary

Grouse tracks in fresh snow

I was sent a pho­to recent­ly of an uniden­ti­fied bird out at Elk Island Nation­al Park that turned out to be a Ruffed Grouse. The same day I had been out tak­ing pho­tographs at Min­is­tik Lake Game Bird Sanc­tu­ary, which is just south of Elk Island, and had come across a fair num­ber of grouse tracks in the dust­ing of fresh snow that had fall­en overnight (this pho­to was tak­en at Min­is­tik, but a cou­ple years ago). The tracks are quite dis­tinc­tive with the wide snow­shoe-like toes, and it’s inter­est­ing to see where the birds come and go. Keep an eye out for these next time you’re in the fresh snow.

A folio print of this image is for sale for whatever price you think is fair. Enter amount: $

Wintery Porcupine

Here’s anoth­er short video clip of this por­cu­pine I came across while out pho­tograph­ing along the North Saskatchewan Riv­er in the Strath­cona Sci­ence Park. He (or she) was pret­ty small, maybe about the size of a beach ball, and was not going anywhere–if I moved too sud­den­ly he’d pause from his eat­ing, but he nev­er left his spot. It’s hard to imag­ine how a por­cu­pine can get enough nutri­tion out of the dried grass and seeds that he’s eat­ing here to be able to sur­vive the kind of cold that we’ve been get­ting late­ly, but I guess they do.

You can push the fullscreen but­ton (four out­ward arrows at the bot­tom-right of the video) to view it larg­er, or fol­low the link to watch a high-def­i­n­i­tion ver­sion at vimeo.com.

Merry Christmas

Red berries are backlit by the sun on a bright winter morning in Whitemud Ravine, Edmonton

Moun­tain Ash berries on bright morn­ing

A good friend of mine recent­ly asked if I had a pho­to of a moun­tain ash tree, and this one sprang to mine. I took this pho­to in Jan­u­ary 2004, hav­ing just trad­ed in my film cam­era for my first dig­i­tal SLR cam­era. I still remem­ber the walk—it was a clas­sic spark­ly, crisp, bright Edmon­ton win­ter morn­ing. This is one of my best-sell­ing christ­mas card images, so I thought I’d share it, and wish you all the best for the hol­i­days and in the new year.

A folio print of this image is for sale for whatever price you think is fair. Enter amount: $

Mount Geraldine in winter

Sun, shadow, fresh snow, and thin cloud on Mount Geraldine along the Icefields Parkway in Alberta, Canada

Moun­tain Geral­dine ridge

I took this pho­to­graph while dri­ving south from Jasper along the Ice­fields Park­way on a very chilly, and very bright, (and very beau­ti­ful) win­ter morn­ing. While it was near­ly mid-day when I made this expo­sure, the sun is so low at these north­ern lat­i­tudes at this time of year, the ridge was still sidelit—defining the jagged line between the east­ern and north­ern faces.

A folio print of this image is for sale for whatever price you think is fair. Enter amount: $