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Merry Christmas

Red berries are backlit by the sun on a bright winter morning in Whitemud Ravine, Edmonton

Moun­tain Ash berries on bright morn­ing

A good friend of mine recent­ly asked if I had a pho­to of a moun­tain ash tree, and this one sprang to mine. I took this pho­to in Jan­u­ary 2004, hav­ing just trad­ed in my film cam­era for my first dig­i­tal SLR cam­era. I still remem­ber the walk—it was a clas­sic spark­ly, crisp, bright Edmon­ton win­ter morn­ing. This is one of my best-sell­ing christ­mas card images, so I thought I’d share it, and wish you all the best for the hol­i­days and in the new year.

A folio print of this image is for sale for whatever price you think is fair. Enter amount: $

Frost, depth of field, and details

Frost on eight grass leaves

Frost on eight dried grass leaves

After a heavy frost, even the most sim­ple details can take on an extra­or­di­nary appear­ance. I made this pho­to­graph with a wide open aper­ture, and as close as pos­si­ble to give a real­ly nar­row depth of field. This removes/blurs most of the finest details of the frost and dried grass blades, and con­cen­trates the focus (no pun intend­ed) of the image on the form, the sweep, of the grass. But, to me, the lit­tle bit of frost detail vis­i­ble just along the nar­row plane of focus, gives that extra lit­tle “spark” to the image.

A folio print of this image is for sale for whatever price you think is fair. Enter amount: $

The advantages of ice fog

Ice fog frozen on alder saplings

Ice fog frozen on alder saplings

Here’s anoth­er pho­to that I took last sat­ur­day dur­ing our cold snap. On real­ly cold days I like to go make pho­tographs at the Strath­cona Sci­ence Provin­cial Park just east of Edmon­ton. Their is a warm water out­flow a lit­tle upstream from the park which keeps the riv­er par­tial­ly open. The mist com­ing from the riv­er coats the banks, and if the sun is out, the effect can be fantastic—and very chilly look­ing.

A folio print of this image is for sale for whatever price you think is fair. Enter amount: $

It’s Cold

Frozen birch leaf

Frozen birch leaf

That’s “cold” with a cap­i­tal “C”. An arc­tic air front descend­ed on the prairies, send­ing the tem­per­a­ture to extreme lows and send­ing all rea­son­able peo­ple safe­ly indoors—the land­scape pho­tog­ra­phers how­ev­er, grab their cam­eras and head out. I find that when it gets below -30° C you can actu­al­ly see how cold it is. The light is excep­tion­al­ly clear, the frost on the grass­es and shrubs accu­mu­lates and holds on tight, and the air seems to lit­er­al­ly freeze—there is often an ice fog lying low to the ground, pro­vid­ing pho­tog­ra­phers a pale frosty blue/white back­ground. If you’re well dressed, care­ful, and have a spare bat­tery for your cam­era in your warm pock­et (for when the first one freezes), it’s a beau­ti­ful time to be out cap­tur­ing the land­scape in a state that not many peo­ple get to expe­ri­ence.

A folio print of this image is for sale for whatever price you think is fair. Enter amount: $

Sunrise at Beaverhill

Altocumulus sunrise and willow

Altocu­mu­lus sun­rise and wil­low

Here’s anoth­er pho­to that I’ve pre­pared for the Gold­bar craft sale (see pre­vi­ous post for details). I made this expo­sure in the sum­mer of 2008 while work­ing band­ing birds at the Beaver­hill Bird Obser­va­to­ry near Tofield, AB. I saw many beau­ti­ful sun­ris­es that sum­mer, although I didn’t always get the chance to cap­ture them in a pho­to­graph.

A folio print of this image is for sale for whatever price you think is fair. Enter amount: $

Another photo from Whitemud Ravine

Light frost on aspen sapling

Light frost on aspen sapling

Here’s anoth­er pho­to from my recent ear­ly morn­ing walk at White­mud Ravine. This pho­to is much more mono­chro­mat­ic than the one I post­ed yes­ter­day, and per­haps cap­tures the cold, frosty feel of the morn­ing bet­ter. I made this pho­to­graph per­haps twen­ty min­utes after the last pho­to, but this sapling was shad­ed in behind some large white spruce trees which are vis­i­ble in the back­ground. What do you think? Do you pre­fer this one or the pre­vi­ous, more colour­ful pho­to? I always appre­ci­ate the feed­back, you can just click the “Leave a com­ment” link below–Thanks!

A folio print of this image is for sale for whatever price you think is fair. Enter amount: $

Frosty morning at Whitemud

Late autumn willow thicket

This morn­ing I went out ear­ly to White­mud ravine. It has been a long time since I’ve been there for sun­rise, and I’d for­got­ten how long it takes after the “offi­cial” sun­rise for the light to reach the bot­tom of the ravine. In the mean­time, I enjoyed the chilly late-autumn air and the lit­tle bit of frost on the bare wil­lows and aspen saplings (and I froze my fin­ger­tips for the first time of the sea­son). After walk­ing most of the morn­ing with­out find­ing much to pho­to­graph, I found the sun final­ly reach­ing down onto this frost-cov­ered wil­low and alder thick­et. I had to bal­ance on a fall­en stem to get the right per­spec­tive for this shot (shoot­ing down­wards, so the bright sky wouldn’t blow out the top of the pho­to).

A folio print of this image is for sale for whatever price you think is fair. Enter amount: $