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Snow-laden black spruce

A thick cap of fresh snow covers the top of a thin, sparsely branched, black spruce tree

Snow cap on thin black spruce

After receiv­ing huge amounts of new snow over the past few weeks, we final­ly got a day where the sun man­aged to peak—weakly—through the clouds for a few hours. Since I was already on the west side of town, I decid­ed to head out to the Wag­n­er Nat­ur­al Area where, I hoped, the dense spruce trees cov­ered in deep snow would pro­vide an inter­est­ing pho­to­graph­ic oppor­tu­ni­ty or two.

It was more chal­leng­ing than I expected—the huge amount of snow often looked like just a big pile slumped over every­thing, rather than con­trast­ing or com­pli­ment­ing the forms of the trees. But a chal­lenge can be good fun, and I did get a cou­ple images that I’m quite hap­py with—I’ll share some more over the next lit­tle while.

Non-vignetted version


The pro­cess­ing in this one was inspired by an image by a local pho­tog­ra­ph­er who I’ve men­tioned before, Joel Koop. He post­ed an image on his blog that was heav­i­ly vignetted (dark­ened in the cor­ners) in post-processing—and it looked great. I had already processed this one with a lit­tle bit of vignetting, but his image inspired me to try push­ing it a bit fur­ther, and I think I like it this way. What do you think? (I’ve includ­ed the non-vignetted ver­sion here for comparison—use your arrow keys to switch between ver­sions.)
A folio print of this image is for sale for whatever price you think is fair. Enter amount: $

2 comments to Snow-laden black spruce

  • Hey Jonathan, love the shot (and of course I like the vignetting too). That first tree reminds me of a lit­tle bird with scrag­gly neck feath­ers peak­ing out of a nest. Maybe that’s a stretch, but it made me smile.

  • […] them as they come up. I already men­tioned Dar­win Wiggett a few days ago. This pho­to was inspired by Jonathan Mar­tin-DeMoor, which I guess means we have a cycle of inspi­ra­tion going. That is awe­some, and often when you get […]

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