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High-key mountain peak

The textured faces of Leah Peak are highlighted by the bright side lighting of a winter day in Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada

Leah peak in bright win­ter light

Yes­ter­day I print­ed a very dark, night-time image, so I thought today I’d go the oth­er direc­tion, and print a very bright, win­ter day­light image. Leah Peak is on the east shore of Maligne Lake in Jasper Nation­al Park, and in my opin­ion, one of the most sub­tle yet strik­ing moun­tain in the area.

I took this pho­to on a very bright day and it was a bright image straight out-of-cam­era. In Light­room I did my best to make the print as bright as pos­si­ble while retain­ing good con­trast and detail in the high­lights. I also tried con­vert­ing it to black-and-white, but I found that I missed the very slight blue in the shad­ows and warmer sun light on the shoul­ders of the ridge.

And, just for the inter­est of the real pho­to geeks—here are the his­tograms from yesterday’s pho­to and from today’s:



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