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Beautiful grey day at Ministik

Receding Ministik shoreline

Reced­ing Min­is­tik shore­line

This pho­to­graph is not brand new (it’s from ear­li­er this win­ter), but I have been work­ing with it recent­ly, and would like to share it here. It had been a while since I’d had the time to hike in to this lake in the Min­is­tik Game Bird Sanc­tu­ary, and it was a shock to see how far the water had reced­ed since I’d last seen it. Not that I was ter­ri­bly surprised–every lake at Min­is­tik (and in most of Alber­ta) is show­ing the effect of the dry years we’ve had. What did sur­prise me was the colour of the mudflats–the pink­ish-red­dish hue in the pho­to is an accu­rate depic­tion (as much as is possible–but that’s anoth­er debate). The grey sky com­ple­ment­ed the mud­flats and dried grass, giv­ing a very sub­tle, sub­dued pal­lette.

A folio print of this image is for sale for whatever price you think is fair. Enter amount: $

The King’s guild christmas gift sale

After a pret­ty slow day at the Gold Bar craft sale, I’m hop­ing for the best at this year’s TKUC Guild christ­mas gift sale this com­ing Sat­ur­day, the 28th of Novem­ber. I’ll have a table set up at The King’s Uni­ver­si­ty Col­lege (9125 50 street, here’s a map) between 10 AM — 3 PM. There’s a $2 admis­sion (kid’s are free) and over 70 ven­dors. I’ll again have pho­to­graph­ic prints and cards for sale, and this time I’ll print enough of the pop­u­lar ones!

Oyster mushroom folds

Oyster mushroom folds

Oys­ter mush­room folds

While sit­ting at the art sale this past week­end a good friend of mine dropped by and asked me to make her a print of this image. It has been a long time since I’d looked at this pho­to­graph, but I’m glad she asked because I’m real­ly enjoy­ing revis­it­ing it. This was one of the largest Oys­ter mush­room clumps that I’ve ever come across. I was employed doing bird sur­veys near Call­ing Lake, AB in the sum­mer of 2004, and it’s one of the best places I’ve been for pho­tograph­ing mush­rooms (and black bears). I like how I was able to fill the frame with the folds and gills of this mush­room, empha­siz­ing the organ­ic shapes and colours. And it smelled absolute­ly ter­rif­ic.

A folio print of this image is for sale for whatever price you think is fair. Enter amount: $

Portrait of a Ruffed Grouse

Ruffed grouse portrait

Ruffed grouse por­trait

I don’t make many wildlife pho­tographs, but this one I couldn’t pass up. I took this pho­to while work­ing at the Beaver­hill Bird Obser­va­tory near Tofield. I must admit that while this is a wild Ruffed Grouse, he wasn’t par­tic­u­larly free at the time of this pho­to. One of the things that I love about band­ing birds is get­ting to see them so close. At this range, even the drabbest spar­rows (and grouse) are full of sub­tle detail, pat­tern and colour. I like how this pho­to cap­tures some of those close-up details that are nor­mally missed at reg­u­lar grouse-view­ing dis­tances. It was a treat to catch this bird, and I’m glad to have this pho­to as a reminder.

A folio print of this image is for sale for whatever price you think is fair. Enter amount: $

Talbot Lake Ridges

Miette range from Talbot lake

Miette range from Tal­bot lake

One of my favourite pho­tographs I’ve tak­en, (yes, I’ll have a copy at the show this week­end), is this one which I called “Miette range from Tal­bot Lake.” I made this expo­sure back in Feb­ru­ary of 2007 as I was dri­ving home through Jasper Nation­al Park. The dead trees in this pho­to were killed in a con­trolled burn for­est fire in 2003. The still-stand­ing, black­ened trunks con­trast­ed beau­ti­ful­ly with the dust­ing of snow on the ridge. What I real­ly love about the post-burn Tal­bot Lake area is that you get to see the sub­tle ridge and val­ley topog­ra­phy of the hills, which is nor­mal­ly cov­ered by a thick blan­ket of spruce and fir trees. Com­bine that with a lit­tle side light­ing, a dust of snow or bloom­ing fire­weed, and me with a camera–I could hap­pi­ly spend all day.

A folio print of this image is for sale for whatever price you think is fair. Enter amount: $

Sunrise at Beaverhill

Altocumulus sunrise and willow

Altocu­mu­lus sun­rise and wil­low

Here’s anoth­er pho­to that I’ve pre­pared for the Gold­bar craft sale (see pre­vi­ous post for details). I made this expo­sure in the sum­mer of 2008 while work­ing band­ing birds at the Beaver­hill Bird Obser­va­to­ry near Tofield, AB. I saw many beau­ti­ful sun­ris­es that sum­mer, although I didn’t always get the chance to cap­ture them in a pho­to­graph.

A folio print of this image is for sale for whatever price you think is fair. Enter amount: $

Spectacular sunset over Edmonton

Fiery altostratus sunset

Fiery alto­stra­tus sun­set

This after­noon I went out for a walk at the Cook­ing Lake-Black­foot Provin­cial Recre­ation Area. I spent sev­er­al hours hap­pi­ly walk­ing the Lost Lake/Islet Lake trails in unsea­son­ably warm weath­er, but with a flat, grey lay­er of drab alto­stra­tus cloud over­head. That is to say, there weren’t many good pho­to­graph­ic oppor­tu­ni­ties. As I was dri­ving home, how­ev­er, the sun snuck through a gap in the cloud just above the horizon–with stun­ning effect. I had to pull over to watch the–all too brief–colours spread across near­ly the whole sky, and of course, take some pho­tographs. I find this type of sky can be very hard to get a good expo­sure, where it’s not too dark but the high­lights (espe­cial­ly the yel­lows) aren’t blown out or over-sat­u­rat­ed, leav­ing detail-less areas with­in the wispy strands of cloud. I think this one turned out quite well, and I real­ly like how the pat­tern of the cloud could be eas­i­ly mis­tak­en for fire, which is just what the sky looked like for a few minutes–aflame. I hope you enjoy it too.

A folio print of this image is for sale for whatever price you think is fair. Enter amount: $