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Early autumn sunrise at Ministik

A light fog hangs at sunrise in the yellow foliage of birch leaves just starting to turn to their fall colours

Morn­ing mist and ear­ly autumn birch

I had the plea­sure of spend­ing a morn­ing out at Min­is­tik Lake, and what a morn­ing it was. The fore­cast was for clear skies and the first good overnight frost of the year, with tem­per­a­tures down to a few degrees above freez­ing. As the sun rose, light fog rose from the lakes and hung in the still air, frost hung light­ly on the under­sto­ry leaves, and the clear autumn light shone off the first of the birch trees just begin­ning to change colour—it was exquis­ite.

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Beautiful grey day at Ministik

Receding Ministik shoreline

Reced­ing Min­is­tik shore­line

This pho­to­graph is not brand new (it’s from ear­li­er this win­ter), but I have been work­ing with it recent­ly, and would like to share it here. It had been a while since I’d had the time to hike in to this lake in the Min­is­tik Game Bird Sanc­tu­ary, and it was a shock to see how far the water had reced­ed since I’d last seen it. Not that I was ter­ri­bly surprised–every lake at Min­is­tik (and in most of Alber­ta) is show­ing the effect of the dry years we’ve had. What did sur­prise me was the colour of the mudflats–the pink­ish-red­dish hue in the pho­to is an accu­rate depic­tion (as much as is possible–but that’s anoth­er debate). The grey sky com­ple­ment­ed the mud­flats and dried grass, giv­ing a very sub­tle, sub­dued pal­lette.

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Another photo from Whitemud Ravine

Light frost on aspen sapling

Light frost on aspen sapling

Here’s anoth­er pho­to from my recent ear­ly morn­ing walk at White­mud Ravine. This pho­to is much more mono­chro­mat­ic than the one I post­ed yes­ter­day, and per­haps cap­tures the cold, frosty feel of the morn­ing bet­ter. I made this pho­to­graph per­haps twen­ty min­utes after the last pho­to, but this sapling was shad­ed in behind some large white spruce trees which are vis­i­ble in the back­ground. What do you think? Do you pre­fer this one or the pre­vi­ous, more colour­ful pho­to? I always appre­ci­ate the feed­back, you can just click the “Leave a com­ment” link below–Thanks!

A folio print of this image is for sale for whatever price you think is fair. Enter amount: $

Frosty morning at Whitemud

Late autumn willow thicket

This morn­ing I went out ear­ly to White­mud ravine. It has been a long time since I’ve been there for sun­rise, and I’d for­got­ten how long it takes after the “offi­cial” sun­rise for the light to reach the bot­tom of the ravine. In the mean­time, I enjoyed the chilly late-autumn air and the lit­tle bit of frost on the bare wil­lows and aspen saplings (and I froze my fin­ger­tips for the first time of the sea­son). After walk­ing most of the morn­ing with­out find­ing much to pho­to­graph, I found the sun final­ly reach­ing down onto this frost-cov­ered wil­low and alder thick­et. I had to bal­ance on a fall­en stem to get the right per­spec­tive for this shot (shoot­ing down­wards, so the bright sky wouldn’t blow out the top of the pho­to).

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