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The Golden Hour — all day long

Late afternoon sun brightens up a patch of dried grasses along a wintery fenceline

Dried win­ter grass­es along barbed wire fence

The “Gold­en Hour” is gen­er­al­ly thought of as the first and last hour of sun­light in the day. Dur­ing this time, the low angle of the sun casts soft, warm side­light­ing that gives beau­ti­ful def­i­n­i­tion to a sub­ject while keep­ing the con­trast low and enhanc­ing the rich colours. But dur­ing the win­ter, here at our north­ern lat­i­tudes, that light can last for most of the day.

It’s not uncom­mon for land­scape pho­tog­ra­phers to pack it in after first light, how­ev­er anoth­er Edmon­ton pho­tog­ra­ph­er whose work I real­ly enjoy, Joel Koop, recent­ly wrote a pair of blog posts (here and here) shar­ing how he takes on the chal­lenge of mid-day light. I couldn’t agree more with him, and espe­cial­ly at this time of year I love to be out­side in the after­noon, look­ing for just the right patch of light. (I took the pho­to­graph above in late Novem­ber at just before 3 in the after­noon.)

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