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Super Harvest Moon at Ministik Lake

A full moon rises in a clear sky on the night of the autumnal equinox.

Har­vest moon ris­ing behind aspen

I went out to the Min­is­tik Lake this evening with the fam­i­ly (& my cam­era, of course) to cel­e­brate the autum­nal equinox, and to wit­ness the “Super Har­vest Moon” that occurred tonight for the first time in 20 years (click here for more info on that). For those of you who missed it—(it wasn’t much dif­fer­ent than any oth­er nice full moon-rise)—I thought I’d quick post this pho­to­graph that I made of the moon tonight. It was a love­ly evening—geese & ducks whistling by over­head, a few qui­et bird­songs (White-throat­ed- & Lincoln’s Spar­rows), beavers on the lake, and coy­otes & bats as the moon came up. Wel­come autumn.

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