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Warbler along mountain creek

A male Audubons Warbler watches for flying insects from his perch on a freshly budding willow sapling overhanging a small creek in Banff National Park, Alberta

Yel­low-rumped War­bler on bud­ding wil­low

I’ve always liked this pho­to­graph, and the mem­o­ry of the day that I took it (which often con­founds a photographer’s abil­i­ty to tell if a photo’s any good or not). I’ve even writ­ten a post about this image before (which you can read here). Even so, I’ve nev­er print­ed it, so I fig­ured this Dai­ly Print project was just the excuse I need­ed.

Bonus ques­tions for this post: +1 point if you can tell me the sex of the bird, +5 points for the sub­species, and +50 points if you can tell me the age (hint: click the image to view it full size, and remem­ber that this pho­to was tak­en in May…)

A folio print of this image is for sale for whatever price you think is fair. Enter amount: $

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