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Sunrise on Mount Edith Cavell

The first rays of sunlight illuminate the southeast face of Mount Edith Cavell on a clear winter morning in Jasper National Park

First light on south face of Mount Edith Cavell

Hap­py New Year! After a great trip to the west coast for the hol­i­days, I had the plea­sure of spend­ing my first pho­tog­ra­phy trip of the new year in the heart of the Rocky Mountains—Jasper Nation­al Park. I could hard­ly have asked for a bet­ter way to start the year than to be out there watch­ing the sun come up over fresh­ly snow-blan­ket­ed peaks, and freez­ing my fin­gers on my cam­era. I have a bunch of new pho­tos that I’m excit­ed to share, so check back soon!

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