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Johnston Canyon waterfall

Low­er John­ston Canyon falls I

I had a great time camp­ing and pho­tograph­ing in Banff Nation­al Park, and now I’m back in town for a few days and then off again to do some bird sur­veys in the bore­al for­est of north-west­ern Alberta.I haven’t had much chance to go through the many pho­tographs I made while there, but I thought I’d quick share this one to tide you over until I get back to post­ing more reg­u­lar­ly.

I took this pho­to­graph along the low­er sec­tion of the gor­geous John­ston Canyon, just a half hour north of the Banff town­site. The path through the canyon is nor­mal­ly packed full of tourists, but I had the plea­sure of being there mid-week and ear­ly-sea­son, giv­ing me plen­ty of time (and room) to do some pho­tog­ra­phy. This pho­to shows the beau­ti­ful clear, green colour of the water flow­ing through the canyon, and gives a feel for the almost claus­tro­pho­bic close­ness of the over­hang­ing rock cliffs.

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