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Golden sunrise on boreal lake

The first golden yellow rays of sunrise light up the far shore of a small boreal lake closely surrounded by dense spruce forest

Gold­en sun­light on spruce shore­line

This pho­to­graph is from a gor­geous morn­ing that I spent in the Obed Lake Provin­cial Park in west­ern Alber­ta. This is not actu­al­ly Obed Lake itself, but one of the small­er lakes in the park. There were loons swim­ming around, spar­rows and war­blers singing, and it was too chilly still for the mos­qui­toes to be flying—perfect.

The yel­low colour in the image is actu­al­ly toned down a lit­tle from what it looked like straight out the camera—it was real­ly yel­low. (I guess that’s why they call dawn and dusk the “gold­en hour”.)

A folio print of this image is for sale for whatever price you think is fair. Enter amount: $

Flock of waterfowl at Ministik

A flock of ducks flies up from Oliver Lake on an autumn evening at the Ministik Lake Bird Sanctuary

Water­fowl ris­ing from Min­is­tik Lake

Here’s anoth­er pho­to­graph I made last week, along Oliv­er Lake out at the Min­is­tik Lake Game­bird Sanc­tu­ary. As the sun was set­ting, hun­dreds (if not thou­sands) of ducks were set­tling on the lake, ris­ing in large flocks if unnamed pho­tog­ra­phers (or their dog) moved too quick­ly. I nor­mal­ly try hard when pro­cess­ing a pho­to­graph to make sure that there is detail in both the high­lights and shad­ow. In this case how­ev­er, I found that push­ing the bright­ness up real­ly did a bet­ter job of cap­tur­ing the mood of look­ing west across the lake into the sun, watch­ing the birds against the bril­liant, back­lit fall colours. They say the rules are there to be bro­ken, right?

A folio print of this image is for sale for whatever price you think is fair. Enter amount: $