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Beautiful grey day at Ministik

Receding Ministik shoreline

Reced­ing Min­is­tik shore­line

This pho­to­graph is not brand new (it’s from ear­li­er this win­ter), but I have been work­ing with it recent­ly, and would like to share it here. It had been a while since I’d had the time to hike in to this lake in the Min­is­tik Game Bird Sanc­tu­ary, and it was a shock to see how far the water had reced­ed since I’d last seen it. Not that I was ter­ri­bly surprised–every lake at Min­is­tik (and in most of Alber­ta) is show­ing the effect of the dry years we’ve had. What did sur­prise me was the colour of the mudflats–the pink­ish-red­dish hue in the pho­to is an accu­rate depic­tion (as much as is possible–but that’s anoth­er debate). The grey sky com­ple­ment­ed the mud­flats and dried grass, giv­ing a very sub­tle, sub­dued pal­lette.

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